Acne Awareness Month Social Media Toolkit

June is #AcneAwareness Month! The AARS wants to help you spread the word about acne, its diagnosis, and treatment.

Social Posts

Feel free to use these images for an #AcneAwareness post!

Social Media Banners and Cards

Download and use the cards and banners at the bottom of this page for your social media channels to help bring attention to #Acne all month.

Follow AARS and be sure to tag and share relevant content!

Popular Hashtags

#acne #acneawareness #acnehelp #adultacne #AARSMember

Need Inspiration? We encourage you to share your #AcneStory on social media. Here are #AcneFacts you can share, as well!

  • Nearly 3 out 4 people with acne say that having the condition has impacted major life choice decisions. (Ital J Dermatol Venerol. 2024;159(2):174-181.)
  • Research shows that the diagnosis of hidradenitis suppurativa or acne inversa can be significantly delayed. In one analysis, the mean delay in diagnosis was 10 years. (Skin Appendage Disord. 2024;10(2):129-132.)
  • Among women, acne may be more prevalent in African American and Hispanic individuals (37%, 32% respectively) than in Continental Indian, Caucasian and Asian (23%, 24%, 30% respectively) individuals. Hyperpigmentation is also more prevalent in African American and Hispanic (65%, 48% respectively) women than in Asian, Continental Indian and Caucasian (18%, 10%, 25% respectively) women. (J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011;25(9):1054-1060.)
  • The rates at which patients with acne report social, psychological, and emotional problems may be as significant as the rates of such reports among patients with chronic disabling asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, back pain, or arthritis. (Br J Dermatol. 1999;140(4):672-676.)
  • Simply having acne can lead to teens being negatively perceived as shy, nerdy, stressed, lonely, boring, unkempt, unhealthy, introverted, and rebellious. Roughly two-thirds of teenagers with acne say they feel embarrassed by it, and 71% report lower self-confidence or shyness. (Biopsychosoc Med. 2011;5(1):11.)
  • Although there is some indication that diet may influence acne, there is no clear evidence that modifying one’s diet to avoid or consume certain foods or food products has a significant effect on acne severity. (J Health Popul Nutr. 2024;43(1):41; J Dermatol. Published online January 31, 2024. doi:10.1111/1346-8138.17109)
  • Acne is common in transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) youth, but referral rates to dermatology are low. Acne is significantly associated with testosterone use. (Pediatr Dermatol. Published online April 15, 2024. doi:10.1111/pde.15628)
  • Rates of unemployment among patients with hidradenitis suppurativa are disproportionate to rates of educational attainment, likely because of the negative impact of the disease on professional activities. About one-quarter of patients with HS were found to be unemployed and 15% were receiving illness benefits. (Dermatology. 2024;240(2):181-188.)
  • Truncal acne is common, but it might be overlooked. Half of patients with facial acne also have involvement on the chest and/or back. Roughly 3% of patients with acne have only chest or back involvement. (J Drugs Dermatol. 2007;6(6):597-600.)




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